From the Editor
Normally, in this space at the beginning of an issue, I’ll mention whatever the current disaster is that’s occurring in the mundane world, and make kind of a sad joke about it, and that will be the introduction. I’ve decided to not do that, this issue, and will instead just say that the way that the community has tried to evolve with the complicated situation of the mundane world has been truly inspiring.
As I’m sure you’re aware, there has been just a tremendous amount of content being released online for free within the SCA community. From regular classes being taught through Zoom or Discord, to full tutorials being recorded and posted on YouTube, it truly is a wonderful time for the creation of material.
On the bardic entertainment front, the Tuesday evening Bardic Circles, held on the Lochac Discord servers at 7:30pm AEST, are earning a great reputation as mid-week entertainment, and, for content from farther abroad, the Known World Entertainment Guide on Facebook will help you keep on top of the highlights from around the world.
The Known World Heraldic Scribal Symposium, which was set to be hosted in Lochac this year, was held virtually, and to great acclaim. Much of the fantastic content from the event is available online.
Cockatrice itself has yielded another fantastic issue, full of great submissions, from both familiar faces and fresh ones.
This issue, we are proud to present:
- An introduction to Persian illumination from Symmone de la Croix, complete with worksheets and information on how the pigments themselves were made in period.
- A small collection of poems from Ingvarr Karlasson.
- Documentation and a how-to guide on an English Arrow Bag from Thomas Boardmakere.
- Documentation and process of recreating a braid from Hallstatt by Kaitrox Avernom.
- A guide on attaching tablet woven bands to garb from Dagny Sveinsdottir.
One of the most amazing things about the fantastic content being generated right now is that much of it will continue to exist well into the future. Videos are being made now that, for a long time to come, will still be helping people work their way through an issue or project.
If you’re willing and able, keep creating. If you’re stuck in a rut, check out some of the wonderful new articles, guides and videos that are available. Whatever it is that you need to do for yourself, do it. We’ll all be together again soon.
Enjoy the issue, and be good to each other (from a safe distance).
Bjorn Sæmundarson