From the Editor
Hail fellow, well met!
So this is my first edition of Cockatrice as editor. I hope everyone enjoys the new layout. If you’re reading this in the magazine version, it is worth noting that there is now an online version that can be read anywhere without downloading a PDF. It is available though the website.
This update to the formatting will allow articles to be found by web search and will also remove a barrier to access. Cockatrice is now easier to find and read than ever!
In other news, 12th Night was wonderful – and, for me at least, nice and local. The Arts & Sciences competition was well organised and well attended, and all of the entries were fantastic examples of what they were. The results can be found on page 5, but I just wanted to note that everyone who entered did a really fantastic job.
I’m really excited to introduce this issue, so I’m going to get right into it – there is just so many fantastic things to share, and I’m so thankful to everyone who has submitted an article or a project to this issue.
A new regular feature, as discussed in the last issue of Cockatrice, is the Known World Spotlight. This provides an avenue for international artisans to reach our community in Lochac, but also for artisans within Lochac to share their work further and more thoroughly than ever.
The first Known World Spotlight is an article by Morgan Donner, an accomplished costuming laurel from An Tir, with an article on the dagged dress. Her online video series is available through YouTube. It’s full of fantastic information and tips, and is definitely worth a watch.
Lord Thomas Boardmakere has submitted a fantastic, approachable and thorough write-up on his reconstruction of the Mästermyr chest.
Lady Dagný Sveinsdóttir is sharing her groundbreaking research into the two tablet woven bands from Orkney, which were attached to what is widely known as the Orkney Hood. If you’re interested in weaving – or even if you’re not – it is really a fantastic read.
Master Rurik Farserkr has written a very enlightening article on interpreting a period recipe for brewing.
Lady Symonne de la Croix has sent through her method of making shell gold. It’s a really interesting process with some beautiful results, and I absolutely recommend giving it a read.
Peppering the issue are some fantastic works from Sir Vitale Giustiniani, and work in progress pieces from other artisans.
Finally, and this is another small break from tradition, I have included a lot of information on The Hordweard. You’ll be able to learn all about it later in the issue, and I hope you find it as fascinating as I do.
On that note, if you have a local ongoing Arts and Sciences competition or project, please send through the details! I’d love to track progress from across the kingdom on all of the different projects going on. A lot of the power of Cockatrice lies in its ability to share the progress and work of many artisans in one easily accessed place, and there is plenty of room for everything that people want to share.
In this trying time for our kingdom, while fire rages and impacts the lives of many of us, it is important to remember that we are as family within this society. The support and love we have for each other is one of the most valuable things that we possess, and is finer than any of the arts or sciences.
Be good to each other, and enjoy the issue.
Lord Bjorn Sæmundarson