From the Editor
It is with some relief that I introduce this issue of Cockatrice. The last 18 months or so of issues, each three months apart as they are, have taught me better than to anchor myself too firmly in what’s going on in the mundane world. I think it is fair to say, though, that there is, at very long last, a glimmer of sunshine on that bleak mundane horizon.
Twelfth Night was a wonderful event, for those permitted by health and law to attend. Despite border closures at the last second, the remote A&S judging solutions implemented by Gwen verch David meant that there was an impressive turnout for the competition, the results of which are posted later in this issue of Cockatrice.
Also featured in this issue is a very thoroughly researched article by Gumuuinus de Eggafridacappella, detailing the reasoning and construction of a Carved Wooden Spoon.
THL Johnnae llyn Lewis returns for the Known World Spotlight with a beautifully written article on Casting Sugar Figures. I am fascinated by the idea of 16th C Italians reusing their large sugar items across multiple feasts!
Finally, I have included an illumination blank that I have made based on the Book of Kells, folio 250v. Use it in your scrolls, or as embroidery inspiration, or colour it in just for fun!
Autumn Crown will be the next Kingdom A&S competition. The categories for the competition are:
- For the feet
- Parchment & Paper
- 14th Century
Your group’s A&S officer can organise a local judging session before the event, if you’re unable to attend but wish to submit an entry, and judging will also occur at the event itself.
Keep doing stuff that makes you happy, and being good to each other.
Bjorn Sæmundarson