From the Editor
Lochac, you seem to leap from crisis to crisis with the reckless abandon of a much younger kingdom. From the catastrophic vine of bushfires to the disastrous creeper of infectious disease, you hurdle onwards to the future, and, hopefully, to a gentle stop at the edge of the dark and dangerous jungle we find ourselves in, and not into something that stops us altogether more suddenly.
As I’m sure you’ve heard by now, Rowany Festival this year has been cancelled. It was a decision that was no doubt an extremely difficult one to make, even if it was a necessary one. The grace and cool heads of the event stewards and all those involved in this matter serve as a positive example to us all.
If you haven’t heard that it was cancelled by now, you may be reading this issue in an empty field somewhere west of Wollongong, wondering where all the nice people are.
The good news is that even though the event itself is cancelled, you’re able to join us for a very special Festival by Correspondence issue of Cockatrice. You’ll experience all of the exciting and beautiful arts and sciences aspects of Rowany Festival from the comfort of your home. You’ll be able to experience Rowany Festival as you’ve never experienced it before – warm, clean and with no pack up required!
Our second installment of the Known World Spotlight is an easy to follow guide on building log workbenches by Baron John Biggeheved from the Kingdom of Atlantia.
Lord Thomas Boardmakere joins us once again in this issue to shine a spotlight on the latest in fashion from the Late Middle Ages, the rope hat, in another thoughtful and well-written guide.
Former Cockatrice editor and recent event steward Lady Gwen verch David has graced this edition with two extremely useful articles, one regarding event stewarding and the other with some sage advice regarding scoring points in an A&S competition. They are both informative and provide great ways to get more involved in the society.
Master Járnulfr Þórólfsson shares some very good tips on creating six board chests, Mistress Portia Vincenzo pit fires some really lovely pottery, and Master Owen van Norden once again blows our collective socks off with a beautiful interpretation of the Scappi kitchen box.
Shinjo Takame shares a translation of The Crane Wife, Master Angus MacDougall has sent in some progress photos of a Viking sled, and Master Rurik Farserkr shares his recipe and process for brewing a hydromel.
Lady Symmone de la Croix has provided a guide on creating verdigris using only copper, vinegar, warmth and time. It’s a really interesting process that I’m going to try myself in the next few weeks.
This issue’s Hordweard progress update is from Lady Dagný Sveinsdóttir.
I’d also like to remind all of you that if you are running a local A&S competition and would like to have the results or progress tracked in Cockatrice, please send it through! If you’re working on something you find interesting and want to share it, please email me! If you’re excited about it, I’m excited to help you find a way to share it.
It’s times like this that I’m glad, and proud, to be a member of a kingdom so full of compassion and perseverance. It’s now, when things are tough, that we show the true value of who we are.
Be good to each other, and enjoy the issue.
Lord Bjorn Sæmundarson