The Arts & Science Journal for the Kingdom of Lochac of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.
Cockatrice – Winter AS 56 (2021)
What You’re Working On
My first go at pewter casting – a 13thc English belt with pewter fittings. Mistress Rowan Perigrynne, Politarchopolis
A 16thc German Hemd (chemise) with pattern-darned collar. Mistress Rowan Perigrynne, Politarchopolis
Viking Age Shield. Hand forged reproduction 10th C Birka shield boss. Copper shield clips reproduced from Birka GR369. Goat hide covering attached with home made raw hide glue. Edged with raw hide. Colour scheme based on traces of paint from 9th C Gokstad shields. Black paint made from charcoal in linseed oil, yellow is yellow ochre. Lord Thomas Boardmakere, Mordenvale.
Viking Age Shield. Hand forged reproduction 10th C Birka shield boss. Copper shield clips reproduced from Birka GR369. Goat hide covering attached with home made raw hide glue. Edged with raw hide. Colour scheme based on traces of paint from 9th C Gokstad shields. Black paint made from charcoal in linseed oil, yellow is yellow ochre. Lord Thomas Boardmakere, Mordenvale.
Reproduction of the band from Birka BJ735. The warp is mostly silk. I’ve also used some linen in areas where the silk would not be seen (as was done historically). The primary weft is also linen, and the supplemental weft are dual strands of 26 gauge silver wire. Lady Dagny Sveinsdottir, Mordenvale