From the Editor
This is my final issue of Cockatrice as editor. I am sad to say goodbye. It has been a very eventful couple of years.
Thank you to everybody who has contributed to Cockatrice during my run as editor, either by submitting content or engaging with it. It has been a lot of fun, and so much of that has been because of the contributions that you have made.
I’ve made a sort of retrospective collage in this issue with some of my personal favourite submissions from the last couple of years. There is also some brand new content – documentation of leg wraps by Lord Thomas Boardmakere and a write up of making butter sculptures by THL Johnnae llyn Lewis.
I feel that there is a lot that needs to be said. However, I also feel that I am unqualified to say much of it. This missive, therefore, will be brief. I mention this only in the hope that you do not mistake my brevity for a lack of sincerity.
I feel that the real magic of the SCA is something that often occurs at our very first point of contact, and carries on for the entirety of our time here. It is the act of being able to choose who you want to be.
Choose a name. Choose a persona. Choose a few, if you like.
Choose to work or choose to take it easy. Choose to fight, or choose to make, or choose to serve. Choose any of these, choose all of them, or choose none.
Choose to speak when you see that words are needed. Choose to be quiet when others need to speak. Choose to be fair. Choose to be kind.
Choose to try to be a better human today than you were yesterday.
Choose to be good to each other.
Yours, always, in Service,
Bjorn Saemundarson