Cockatrice – Autumn AS 56 (2021)

Three Methods for Shading Initial Letters on Illuminated Manuscripts

By Lady Symonne de la Croix

Flemish Psalter-1500
Title: in Original Language Psautier flamand.
Place: Belgium

Crosshatching Details

  • Winsor & Newton, or other similar brand of artists quality gouache, in
    • cadmium red
    • ultramarine blue
    • cadmium yellow light
    • permanent middle green
    • gold
    • white
  • Small good quality brushes

Note: Correct paint consistency is vital for the following techniques . Too thin and it will ‘wick’ out and look washy when dry. Too thick and the paint has the tendency to fall off.

First Method – Dark to Light

  1. Paint base colour
  2. Make up lighter base colour
  3. Use this to underpaint the lighter section
  4. Use original base colour to define edges and make the indented U pattern
  5. Use pure white to outline the design and and for the dotting. (A toothpick can be handy to do the dots for people uncomfortable with using a brush)
  6. Using pure white scrape excess off brush (I use my fingernail) and do the cross hatching with the very tip of brush.

Note: The brush doesn’t need to be super tiny for this as the most important part is to have a ‘sharp’ tip. A good brush with a sharp tip is often preferable as it holds more paint in the body of the brush.

Second Method – Light to Dark

This is similar to the above but you paint the base layer in the lighter colour first followed by the darker colour. This negates the need for step above 4 as you are painting the indented pattern directly. Follow the remaining steps from the First Method.

Third Method – Softening with Water

This method gives good results but care is needed when using the water as it has the potential to remove the base paint layer.

  1. Paint darker base layer
  2. Using pure white paint a line where the pattern will be.
  3. Using only water, you paint over the white section which will smooth and dilute the white paint which helps to give a softened and blended effect with the base layer.
  4. Use original base colour to define edges and make the indented U pattern.Use pure white to outline the design and and for the dotting.
  5. Using pure white scrape excess off brush paint and do the cross hatching with the very tip of brush.

The above techniques can transfer to other period painting designs such as drapery, scenery and medieval grotesques.

Link to PDF worksheet:

This article COPYRIGHT © to Corina Graham, 2021.

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